On a faithful day like this I woke up to check my recently publish post, usually I will only check the link in google but that day I didn’t call it a day I checked my google console and mistakenly meandered to the index page but surprised half of my articles were indexed while the other half was showing discovered currently not indexed. I nearly cry that day, “So this is why I’m getting low traffic”.

Researching keywords, writing, editing and formatting is a pain staking job that should be rewarded with faster indexing and ranking but most time this is not the case which can be due to many reason.

I know how you are feeling now, you might have given yourself ultimatum, when you will quit blogging if it is not resolve, I feel like this too until I found the solution, your guess is right I didn’t see it on the web, it is not there instead I think up the solution.

Some solutions that did not work
There are many solution online written by website with high domain authority but I tell you all of them did not work, if they work I will not be writing this.

Some of these solutions are listed below so that you will not waste your time trying them

1) Manual indexing
First thing you will see online is manure indexing which will not work, no matter how many time you submit your url.

2) Submit your sitemap

3) I tried this too, it did not work

4)I insert table of content into my post, yet no resolve

5) I changed my theme, yet no resolve

6) I check my robot.txt file there is no problem with it

7) I checked the possibility of google indexing my post on search console it was positive

8) I was told to wait but they did not tell me when my post will be indexed

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Causes of discovered currently not indexed

DCNI can be caused by many factors such as

Changing robot.txt

Putting “no index” tag into your post

But for a newbie who does not know much about WordPress not to talk of blocking google from accessing a post page surely those listed above did not caused it.

So what caused discovered currently not indexed?

Theme changing
When you change your theme frequently you are destroying your site structure such that google bot will not be able to crawl it.

You might not notice this but if you have AdSense on your blog running on auto, you will notice that it cannot penetrate your blog post (ad will not show in the post) sometimes it will only show ad on the homepage or pop up which is the limit your website allow.

If it is only popup that means your site is in terrible state

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But what of those that did not change theme?

The reason is still the same; most of those beautiful themes are packed with CSS that prevent google bot from penetrating your post.

But if such website has high domain authority google bot will force their way in since they will have high crawl budget, unlike low domain website, once they encounter any difficulties they will only crawl the home page which will make your post “discovered but currently not indexed”

There is case of someone I read online, his or her traffic drop as he changes theme. Stick to one theme at least for 3 years to prevent this kind of problem.

Solution to discovered but currently not indexed
To change your site structure, you will have to do a reverse engineering

1) Export your post and media

2) Note the type of permalink you are using

3) Go to your Cpanel delete the old WordPress and install new one

4) Install new theme preferably free theme, you can change it later once your blog has high domain authority

5) Import your post and media
Set your permalink to what is in the previous WordPress so that google can link back to your previous indexed post.

6) Copy and paste the link of one of the post that was indexed before to google, if it went through, that Is good, if not (it will show error 404) your permalink is wrong set it to what is in the previous WordPress.

7) Install google site kit and link your analytics, search console and AdSense.

8) Install and set up Yoast SEO plugin. In the tool section, search for sitemap and click on the question tag in front of it. Click on show sitemaps, it will bring out your sitemaps.

9)Copy the sitemaps one by one to google search console, it will show success immediately.

10) Go back to your site and check your post If you have AdSense on auto ad you will notice that ad is now showing in your posts. At this rate you should congratulate yourself

11) To confirm further publish a new post and wait for 10 hours or less your post will be indexed.

Sometimes because your blog has low domain authority the number of bot coming to your blog will be low compare to high domain authority website which will prolong the time your blog will be crawled.

To solve this anytime you publish a post share it to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Nairaland with a link back to your site. It won’t take more than 3 hours before google bot will crawl your blog.

What is the science behind it?
Those website have high domain authority therefore their crawl budget is high which means there is a lot of bot crawling their site per day once they see your blog link they will trace it to your blog.


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