Some years ago I will argue it if someone told me WhatsApp will be use to promote product, well it iscan now be use for that purpose. Although WhatsApp itself does not have a paid advert for business but trust human once there is traffic there will always be a promotion.
The only problem now is how to go about advertising on WhatsApp and fortunately that is the purpose of this article to show you ways you can advertise your product or business on WhatsApp.
Advantages of WhatsApp for promotion
1) There is a level ground
Except paying mini influencer which is not costly other method of promotion is free though require effort. Every business is equal regardless of their advertising budget.
2) It can go viral quickly
If you have a lot of close contact on WhatsApp there is high chance that they will help you share your promotion to their friends which means your business can go viral.
3) No or low cost
With little money you can get mini influencer to promote your content or with no cost but effort you can create your own group and contact list
4) Freedom
Like every other online advertisement, promoting your product on WhatsApp comes with freedom; you can do it anywhere and anyhow as long as you are with your phone and connected to internet.
5) Engaging
WhatsApp promotion is engaging though it depend on your content; your customer can ask you question about our ad which can lead to sale
6) Announcement
WhatsApp is the best platform to use if you want to make announcement to your customer or promote new product, it will go viral quickly.
This is possible because your friends and family will jump at offer of testing your product.
What you need for promoting your business on WhatsApp
- Phone
- WhatsApp app
- Content (video, content, pictures, info graph)
- Cathy ad
Forms of ad on WhatsApp
Your ad should complement your content if you are using video to drive traffic surely your ad should be made of video.
1) Written content
WhatsApp like other social media thrive on content, this type of ad is best for contact group or contact list.
It should be thoroughly edited and formatted with WhatsApp emoji; anything that will make it stands out from normal messages
2) Short videoÂ
Use short video for WhatsApp T.V, let it be engaging and do not forget to put your call to action on it.
3) Pictures
Pictures ad can be used for group and WhatsApp T.V. it has high rate of conversion if it is catchy and engaging.
4) Info graphs
This is like a picture but a little better if you want your customer to understand how to use your product, it conversion is low but you will have a lot of traffic that will turn to customer later.
5) Audio
You can use it for group, it has low traffic and low conversion rate. Use it only if you want to educate your customers.
Method or ways of advertising on WhatsApp
Before I list the method I want you to know that advertisement especially free advert relies on engaging content you can’t be posting your product every d ay and expect people to patronize you.
As human being we need something that will attract us be it picture, content, info graphs, video, anything that will make us follow you.
1) Contact list
On WhatsApp you don’t add people like Facebook, you need to have their contact on your phone or google, the more contact you collect the high the number of people you can target.
When hunting for number makes sure they are people that can buy what you are selling.
How do I collect number? I hear this lot whenever I talk about WhatsApp advertisement
The first set of phone number to collect should be your friends and family phone number make sure it is their WhatsApp number
Second step have two way; you can try to associate with your friend’s friend and try to collect their number, very slow, yes it is do you want the fast method?
Here it is
Pester your friends to give you their contact list and cold message them telling them how you get their number and you want to be their friends, you might have high churn rate with this method though.
Save the contact on your phone and after the first week of greeting you can start showing them your product directly, but make sure you are testing them regularly.
2) WhatsApp T.V
Funny, WhatsApp does not have any T.V, what people called T.V is status. you can turn your status to T.V that people look out for your T.V should contain engaging content like funny video and pictures this will make glue people to your status any time you drop content and in between those content you can promote your product and services.
The secret of WhatsApp T.V is to post at las 8 engaging content on a stretch with just one of your promotional picture.
To increase number of viewer put your phone number at the top of your content so when people download it and post on their status your number will go viral.
3) Group
This can be time consuming but if done right it is the best method since you will be promoting your business to the people that are ready to buy.
You can also promote the group by sharing your content on Facebook and other social media but it should be what people want to learn, for instance you can create group on mini ecommerce where you will teach people how to sell on social media.
If you can’t go through this you can join some group that have your potential customer, contact the admin and pay some fee to promote your product, at the end of every promotion put chat link where people can contact you directly.
4) Branding/WhatsApp business
If your WhatsApp still show your name change it to your business name or have a separate WhatsApp for business account, I don’t advice the later because you won’t use it often like your personal account therefore defeating the branding purpose.
When you chat with someone or in group, people will surely check the name and they will remember what your business is when they needed your services or product
5) WhatsApp profile
Instead of leaving your profile as currently ‘available’ or ‘God is good’ put a short bio of your business that will let people know what you do, people use to check profile and when they do they will see what you do and store it up in their brain.
Challenges of WhatsApp for advertising business or product
WhatsApp is only suitable for small business or for testing new product; if your business is big you need to look elsewhere until Zuckerberg set up WhatsApp ad.
1) Too much enquiry
While enquiry from customer is good, too much of it will tell on your business, you will have no time to sell your product
2) Effort
If you do not like stress WhatsApp is not for you, even if you have money to spend on WhatsApp influencer ad it won’t take you far like doing above method
3) It takes time
Advertising on WhatsApp takes time to yield result; if you are not patient you will get frustrated and eventually quit.
WhatsApp for advertising is new and free, you don’t need to worry about cabal and high advertisement budget, but you need to be fast before big business takes the space like Facebook.