Chin Chin is one of the snacks we don’t Joke with in Nigeria. It is one of the fast food will rely on especially ever busy people who need something to hold their stomach together while working.
It business side is not bad as there are lot of demand for it while there is little competition since most people do not think it’s a lucrative business. Well that is a good thing, it mean less competition for those that will going into it.
By clinking this article it means you want to start Chin Chin business or you just want to increase your knowledge of chin chin business whatever is the case be rest assure that you will get everything you need from this article from how to make chin chin to it cost of production and profitability, everything will be dealt with in this article.
Note this article deal with business side of chin chin not how to make chin chin though we touch it a little
Before we go into the steps of starting chin chin business I will like you to take note of the following.
Equipment needed to start chin chin business in Nigeria
- Fryer
- Sieve
- Rolling-pin
- Cutter
- Bowls
Ingredient needed to start chin chin business
Below are the ingredients you will need before starting chin chin business in Nigeria
- Flour
- Eggs
- Salt
- Butter
- Oil
- Baking powder
- Milk
- Nutmeg
- Sugar
- Margarine
- Flavor
- Water
Why chin chin business?
Perhaps you still doubt the profitability of chin chin business; before we go into the full article I will like you to change your mind with the following reason
Small to big
One of the advantages of chin chin business is that you can start from home. You don’t need to have all the equipment ready, you can make use of kitchen utensils and when everything set you can move to shop and from shop you can open a factory.
It is a business for those that don’t have much.
2) The demand is crazy
You will always make a sale in chin chin business because it is always in demand unless your location is in a bush even at that you can transport it to primary school, church, bank to make your sale.
See also: How to start jewelry business in Nigeria
3) Automaton
As your business grows, you can buy machine that will relief you of some work, you won’t have to do everything anymore.
4) Less competition
As I have stated in the introduction many people do not see chin chin business as a lucrative one, so they don’t go into it and thanks to that you have less people to compete with.
5) Equipment and ingredient is readily available
You don’t have to import ingredient and equipment before you make your chin chin it is available everywhere.
You can even use your kitchen utensil to start it; just make sure you are neat.
Chin chin frying and baking terms
This is what you achieve after mixing flour and other ingredients together, it will come out as semi solid
This means pressing your semi solid chin chin in to a uniform mass before you cut
Knocking back
This occurs when you press out the air bag caused by yeast in the semi solid chin chin.
Procedure to make chin chin for sale in Nigeria
There are two ways to make chin chin in Nigeria it is either you fry it or baked it. While fried chin chin is the most demanded and tasty it is not good health wise, because of the oil high cholesterol compare to baked chin chin.
Nevertheless you can start with baked chin chin if you have small fund but make sure you move into it once you get enough fund because supermarket and NAFDAC prefer the baked chin chin.
Below is how to make chin chin for sale in Nigeria
Pour the flour in a bowl and add baking powder, salt, sugar, margarine, nutmeg and a little water to it in right proportion
Break egg into bowl and mix together until it appears white
Pour the egg into the flour bowl and mix thoroughly till it form a dough (semi solid)
Knead the dough on a table or smooth surface for some minute until it smooth
Cut the dough into small cube or your desire shape
Warm groundnut oil in a pan and pour the cube chin chin into it
Once it bring out golden color remove it with a spoon and pour it into sieve
Spread it on a surface and allow it too cool
Package it.
See also: How to start Nylon production business in Nigeria
How to start successful chin chin business in Nigeria
1) Learn it
Yes you need to learn how to make chin chin, don’t think chin chin you fry at your leisure time is good for sale.
You need to know how to make commercial chin chin, the one that won’t waste your oil and will come out in moderate shape.
Also you need to learn the business side of making chin chinl; where and how to sell it.
You should not spend more than 3 months before you will acquire the knowledge so take your time and learn it, you will want to learn the mistake of other so that you won’t repeat it.
To learn it find someone far away from your location the person will not teach you if you are close because of competition or hire a professional.
Whatever you chose use YouTube only to complement your training.
2) Research
Now is the time to conduct your feasibility study, go to your proposed location where you want to set up the business and check if there are enough customers to buy your product.
You can do this by interviewing your potential customer and taking average of what your competitors are selling.
Check the number of competitors and find a way to beat them, if you can’t it is best to go to another location.
Usually to beat competitors in chin chcn business you need to have your own unique taste this is what will drive customer far and wide to you.
To know how to write a feasibility study click here
3) Business plan
Once you are sure that your location is perfect for your business the next thing is to write a plan that will show what your business will become in the next 2 to 5 years and how you will get there.
Do not rely too much on the business plan there is a chance that you will pivot before the ending of your second year but make sure you write it remember no plan is a bad plan and also your plan will come in handy when you need to obtain loan.
To know how to write a business plan click here
4) Get capital for your business
By now you should have a source to finance your business idea, anyway below are the source you can use to startup your business depending on your scale
For low and medium scale
- Personal saving
- Friends and family
- Bank loan or overdraft (take caution with this source)
For large scale
- Bank loan (you will need collateral)
- Investors (equity)
Check here to read more on how to finance your business
5) Register your business
If you are starting a low or medium scale chin chin business you can skip this and go back to it later when you grow but for large scale you need to register with government authority to prevent future confrontation.
See also: Best online investment platform in Nigeria
Below are the agents you need to register with
- CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission)
- Local government (for very large scale)
- State government (for very large scale)
6) Buy equipment and ingredients
Chin chin equipment and ingredient buying is not a herculean task, you can see it in your neighborhood but if you’re a staring large scale or you want to reduce cost you should go to major market and buy in bulk.
When buying ingredient for the first time I will advise you to go with your trainer to avoid bad ingredients.
7) Set up you shop or factory
Whatever scale you are going for you need to set up your shop or factory to the standard of NAFDAC. I can see you frowning lol, (I don’t know why people hate NAFDAC) if you are starting as a small scale you don’t need to fret, wait till you grow.
For large scale, setting your bakery for NAFDAC approval is no big deal just make sure everything is neat, let the liquid waste have a passage that empty to a gutter and solid waste have a bin to keep waste till waste carrier will come for it.
The equipment should be set up such that its follow the process of making chin chin.
8) Produce your chin chin
Commercial Chin chin production will no longer be a new thing to you since you would have learn the nitty gritty of it.
Produce what you know you can sell in a week or else you and your family will be the one to consume it.
I usually advice people to give out free chin chin in their first production; you can give them to friend and family to taste, this is another form of marketing which will be dealt with in marketing section.
9) Packaged your chin chin
The first advantage of packaging is that it prevent your chin chin from getting spoiled quickly also it attract customer especially kids so make sure you use beautiful packaging material; you can put it in plastic or nylon according to your target market.
See also: Top 16 logistics company in Nigeria
10) Marketing your chin chin
Marketing chin chin is not hard once you know your target market you are good to go.
Who are my target markets?
That’s a good question your target markets are
- Man
- Woman
- Children
Where can I find them?
- School
- Office
- Supermarket
- Open market
- Shop complex
- Motor parks
You should produce and package your chin chin according to market you are targeting.
As I explain earlier you will need to package you chin chin in plastic if you are targeting adult while you should add more sugar if you are targeting kids.
Below are the advertising mediums you can use to reach your audience
Let it be colorful and elegant. After giving it your friends and family for distribution you can go to your target market and distribute it.
That’s remind me, when targeting supermarket you need to make a proposal before you can supply them, you can do it with mouth if you know the manager but if not write as a letter and wrap it with envelop.
What you will write in the proposal are
- Why you want to be their supplier
- Your unique preposition
- Why you are the best and bla bla bla
Whatever method you use (mouth or letter) you will need to attach your product sample to it and make sure you have NAFDAC, if you don’t have do not border to go there.
Sign post
It will serve as a direction to your factory or shop. Sign post is the best if you don’t have large budget for advertising because local government rarely collect tax on sign post.
Bill board
If you have large pocket you can make use of bill board you will surely see return on investment
T.V and Radio
They are the best for large scale chin chin producer that want to take their market segment quickly. Before using this medium makes sure you have a capacity to take orders that will come.
Social media
This is the best and it is free, post picture of your chin chin regularly on social media and you will see it wonder but there is a ‘but’ you should be ready to deliver your product far and large.
The secret of social media marketing is to post content that are engaging don’t post your chin chin picture alone, it will be boring to people.
Blog and ecommerce
Once you grow very well you can set up blog with ecommerce, the blog content will attract visitor which in turn will be converted to buyer.
To create blog that have ecommerce with SEO content, you can contact us.
Cost of starting chin chin business in nigeria
This is depends on the scale of production for small scale chin chin business you will need between #20,000 to #100,000, for medium scale you will need between #100,000 to #500,000, for large scale you will need between #500,000 to #2,000,000.
Whatever scale you are starting don’t forget that taste make the deference.
How lucrative is chin chin business in Nigeria
During our research we find out that you can have as high as 50% return on investment, i.e. you can have #50,000 profit on #100,000 cost of production while it can be as low as 30% on cost of production i.e. you can have #30,000 profit on #100,000 cost of production.
Note: This is a rough estimate and industry average
Challenges of chin chin business
There is no business in Nigeria that does not have its own challenges, below are the challenges of chin chin business
Unstable price of ingredient
Price of ingredient is not staple which is a problem for chin chin producer, you can buy ingredient at #100 to day and buy it at #110 tomorrow and if you increase the price of chin chin or reduce it quantity consumers will protest by boycotting your product.
Find a way to sell to supermarket, Nigerian don’t complain when they buy from supermarket also buy in bulk it will reduce the cost.
NAFDAC problem
Nigerian are now taking their food source serious if you don’t have NAFDAC registration number they won’t buy from you.
You can’t even sell to supermarket and the problem is that it is little difficult to get NAFDAC registration number.
Put NAFDAC registration into your plan from the beginning and ready to bribe if needed.
Reading this article will be for nothing if you don’t act on it, take charge of yourself, find money and start your dream business.
Stop been wantreprneur and move to startuppreneur.
Thank you for reading
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