To move away from poverty, you need to find a job or be self-employed, but to be rich or wealthy you need to invest.

Show me a rich man without business or investment strategy and I will tell you is in to fraud, even entrepreneur such as Jeff Bezos invest his money in different business, he did not stay only on Amazon; Amazon account for 60% of his wealth other investment sources make up the rest.

I’m sure you can relate with what I wrote above, you might have even think it in your silent time, but the problem is how trustworthy are this investment platform, can they really be trusted and if they can, where can you find them.

We also think like this when we are conducting research about the legit online investment platforms in Nigeria, this make us set out to look for investment platform that has good review and rating, also we try some of them to see if they are genuine about their interest rate, those that were not trusted did not find their way into our list.

So be rest assure that the following list of investment platform are legit, genuine and will surely pay back the capital plus interest according to their term and condition.

May be you are still in doubt, you can read below to see why you need to invest your money.

1) Save and secure
Investment is safe compare to Ponzi scheme that uses Paul to pay Peter, the amount you will earn depend on the amount invested, investment is no money ‘doubler’, aslo all the investment platform in Nigeria are regulated by SEC and have their presence in Nigeria, if anything happen they will be held responsible.

2) You don’t need to worry about inflation
Because of the high interest rate on these platforms it help you to beat inflation unlike banks.

No matter how high the inflation of a country is it won’t affect your earning, though that depend on your strategy, if you are withdrawing every month it will surely affect but if it is longer than that, you don’t have to worry.

3) Safe haven during retirement
It is no longer a news that Nigeria government can no longer pay pension, to pay salary is even hard not to talk of pension, investment can bridged the gap when you need to retire and fortunately most of the investment platforms listed are here to stay.

4) Unforeseen emergencies
No body pray for problem but it comes at any time; problem does not give a warning. Investment can help you out when unforeseen situation that need money to be resolved arise.

5) You can use it to meet other goals
As a result of hardship in Nigeria, many parent are now copying western style, whereby they save money to cater for their child university cost, but instead of saving it bank, where inflation will eat it up the investment platform listed below will stable your money and also add to it.

6) Wealth building
You don’t need to work like Jacky all your life, with investment you can continue doing small work while you send the money earn on errand, the money invested will surely bring more to you.

What is investing and investment platform?
Investing in simple terms is the art of putting money in a company, organization, or government scheme not own by you with the aim of getting profit from it.

While investment platform are apps, software, center that connect you to these organization. With algorithm and due diligence they give out invested money to those that need it and monitor it.

But what if they lose it?

It rarely happen and if it does you will surely get your capital back though according to their terms and condition.

They make their own money by deducting a fee from the profit.

How online investing works in Nigeria
As at the time of writing this article there are two categories of online investing in Nigeria which

  • Nonagricultural investment platform
  • Agriculture investment platforms

Nonagricultural investment platform take money from investor and give it out to business or company as loan, buy share or use it themselves.

While agriculture investment platform invest the money on agricultural production, they give the money to farmer while also providing better input such as fertilizers and improved animal to famer.

After each harvest the interest will be pay back with capital, investor can chose to go another around or withdraw.

How much you can make with investment in Nigeria

It depends on the interest rate but most of the interest rate of this investment platform is between 10 to 18%. You see, you can make a lot of money.

Below are the best investment platforms in Nigeria

1) Opay
Opay is an investment app from Operamini, you can save, transact and invest your money in this platform.

Their long years in Nigeria make them one of the most trusted platform to invest your money.

They have two type of investment scheme code name with Owealth and flexified


Owealth is for those that want to invest their money for a long period of time; the minimum year is 1 year, if your target is to invest for long term purpose this is best for you as you can earn up to 15% form your capital.

For example let assume you invest #100,000 for a year

You will have profit of 15,000

Plus capital it will be #115,000

The secret is to invest in million because this where your earning will be meaningful, imagine if you invest 1 million you will have profit of 150,000 without lifting a thing.

This is for short term investor who want their profit quickly.

Under this scheme you can invest per week or per month. If it is per week you will earn 0.2% of your money, and 1% per month.

For instance if you invest #100,000

You will be collecting 1,000 per month.

The advantage of flexified is that you can cash out in month.

Piggyvest was established in 2016 with the aim of helping people to save their money. It was a welcome idea by most Nigerian who find it had to save their money.

They later add investment options to their services which further boost their acceptance by people.

Ever since it establishment it keep riding on the trust of people as they have set themselves as a trustworthy platform by paying when it is due.

They have many options to choose from and they are

  • Core saving
  • Target saving
  • Safelock
  • Investify
  • Flex naira
  • Flex dollar

You can earn as much as 12.5% interest on your money and as low as 8%

3) Risevest
During the time of writing this article central bank of Nigeria clamped down on platform that invests in foreign stock, but dialogue has been going on and there is hope it will turn out good.

Risevest is a platform that enables Nigerian to invest in foreign stock; it made it possible for people living in Nigeria to earn in dollar. With little as $10 you will invest in Nigeria and other foreign stock.

Risevest is like an automated investment platform, you don’t have to know how to buy stock, just chose an investment plan and they will take it from there.

There are many positive report of people earning up to 14% on their investment, this has make them one of the best platform to buy foreign stock in Nigeria.

Trove is another platform that help Nigeria invest in foreign stock, but they did not stop there, you can also invest in Nigeria stock from the platform. With #1000 you can start making your money.

5) Cowrywise
Cowrywise was established in 2017 by Razaq hammed and Edward popoola to help Nigeria save, plan and invest their money. They are in the same categories with Piggyvest but their investment options is not as much as Piggyvest.

6) Investment one
Investment one is a subsidiary of gtbank established in 2008 with the aim of helping people to invest their money in mutual fund and stock.

Some of the mutual funds they invest in are

  • Vantage guaranteed income fund
  • Vantage equity income fund
  • Vantage balanced fund
  • ABACUS money market fund

7)Payday investor
Like other investment platform, they also help people to save their money and earn. There are two way to earn which are

Short term saving and earning

  • Goal based, you save for an important goal usually for a short period of time, and also earn
  • Group goal, instead of saving alone, you save with other people and also earn

Long time saving and earning

  • One time investment
    Here you deposit your money with them with the sole purpose of earning. It takes minimum of 1 year before you can withdraw your money.

8) Kolopay
Kolopay give you the chance of savinhnd earning from your money but it isblow compare to other platform but yes there is but, you can share youbsabung goal to friend s and family which will male them contribute to your goal, insn that sweet.

9) I-Invest
You can also invest and earn from this platform, but their instant amount is #100,000

It is too much?

No it is not, considering the fact that you can invest in Treasury bill, Eurobond and equities which has greater return on investment.
On the issue of trust, there is nothing to worry about, they are regulated by SEC.

10) Bamboo
Bamboo makes it possible to invest in Nigeria and foreign stock, with little as $20 dollar you can start earning from your phone.

Bamboo was founded in 2019 by Richmond Bassey and Omoregbe. On the issue of trust they are also regulated by SEC

Note at the time of writing this article, SEC has suspend them, but they are already in dialogue with SEC.

This is an all in all platform, you can invest in many industry with this platform such as agriculture industry, stock and real state, it was established in 2019 by wealthtech limited.

12) Carbon
Carbon is a loan, saving, payment and investment platform. Their interest rate could be high as 15%. If you are looking for best investment platform that you can easily asses on android and ios app, they are the go to.

13) Chaka
With chaka you can invest in foreign and local stock with #1000 or $10 on your android phone.

Their requirement include

  • Government issued ID card
  • Utility bill
  • Email address
  • Phone number

14) Fint
Fint unlike other investment platform is a marketplace that allows p2p lending. It connects those that need credit to lenders.

Haa is that not risky?

No it not, those that need credit, would have been subjected to scrutiny, such that a defaulter of previous loan cannot access the platform also they would have check the account status and deem them fit as credit worthiness.

The minimum to invest is #20,000 and maximum is #100,000

Agriculture investment platform in Nigeria

15) Farm crowdy
Farmcrowdy is a market place that connect farmer with investor.

This is how it works
Once you gain access to the platform, you will choose a farming program to invest in, which usually will run for like 6 month.

In the course of the month, the progress of the farm will be reported in written, picture and video format.

After the harvest 40% profit will go to you, while 40% and 20% goes to the farmer and the platform respectively.

According to the platform you don’t need to worry about bad yield or disease since the farm is already insured.

16) Payfarmer
This is direct opposite of farmcrowdy in that they focus on animal farm while farmcrowdy focus on crop.

Investing step is same as farmcrowdy; you login, find better farm to invest in and get report inform of pictures, chart and video.

You can earn as much as 30% on your capital and those farms are also insured.

17) Thrive agric

Thrive was establish in 2017 with the aim of helping farmer to produce more by providing them with capital and data that will increase food production in Nigeria.

You as investor come in by providing capital and earning from it. You see thrive agric is like a social service while you also earn from it. To safeguard your investment they insured farm that you will invest in.

18) E FAM
They are like other agricultural investment platform which connects investor with farmer, what set them apart is that most of their farmer ware trained by them and they also provide training facility for undergraduate student.

If you want to invest with them you don’t need to worry about anything, yes worry is not your problem; they have three layer insurance which are

  • Physical insurance
  • Investment insurance
  • Agricultural insurance

You can earn between 15% to 30% on your Investment depending on what you invest in. Below are farm categories you can invest in

  • Maize,
  • Poultry
  • Cassava
  • Pineapple
  • Catfish
  • Soybeans

19) Farm partner
Farm partners is one of the best agricultural investment platform in Nigeria. They give their investor three option to invest their money which are

Balanced Plan
Here you have option to invest in all the farm operation which are Cassava farming, Cattle production and Meat production.

Higher turnover plan
Here, you can only invest in one section of the farm but high interest rate.

Higher Return Plan
This also offers high interest rate.
Their interest rate is between 15% to 30%

20) E poultry
As the name implies they major only on poultry. Their interest rate is as high as 50%. With #50,000 you can invest your money and wait for profit at the end of 1 year.

21) Pork money
Like E poultry they also focus on one animal which is pork, with #250,000 you can invest your money and weight for return which can be as high as 40%. Most of their farmer are well trained and have years of experienced so you have little to worry about considering capability.

22) Farmally

Farmally is a multipurpose agricultural investment platform that allows you to invest in varieties of agricultural operation such as crop and animal.

Their interest rate is between 15% to 50% while their production cycle is between 3 to 15 months depending on what you invest in.

23) Farm funded
Farm funded is located in Nassarawa where rice can be grown in large quantities. They focus on rice farming, mining and processing if you like to invest in rice operation they are the go to as they have experience farmer and technician who are ready to give what it takes to see their farm perform well.

Minimum to invest is #20,000 for 8 month period and their interest rate is 20%.

As I have stated in introduction, online investment still remain the best way to acquire wealth in Nigeria. You don’t need to work or lift a thing; your money will do that.

Once you are able to find a trustworthy investment platform which goes along with your personal goal or business goal you are set. What next is to wait for 2 to 5 years to see the wonder of compounding.



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