To get #50,000 loan in Nigeria is no longer a problem in Nigeria, there are many loan app that will give up to #50,000 as long as you meet up with their requirement,, you will obtain loan from them

Most of the loan app listed below are CBN license so you have nothing to worry about

Requirement to obtain #50,000 loan in Nigeria

Before you can obtain this kind of loan you need to meet up with some requirement which are

  • Have bvn and bank account
  • Be above 18 years of age
  • Have regular source of income
  • Reside in Nigeria
  • Have smart phone with which to download the loan app

List of loan app that give more than #50,000 loan in Nigeria


Renmoney is one of the best loan app in Nigeria, they are license by CBN and insure by NDIC so you have nothing to worry about with this loan app you can obtain up more than #50,000 loan without collateral or paper work, and you don’t need to visit any location before you will obtain the loan, with your smart phone you are good to go.


Carbon loan app is another loan app, they give more than #50,000 loan in Nigeria. The loan processing is very fast within minutes of submitting application your loan will be disburse.

As long as you meet up with their requirement they will surely give you loan.

Aella credit

Aella credit is another genuine loan app, that give more than #50,000 loan in Nigeria, they are also license by CBN .

if you meet up with their requirement they will surely give you loan. Their repayment period and Interest rate is one of the best in Nigeria.

Opay loan

You can also obtain loan of more than #50,000 from opay but if you are applying fro the first time you will not get up to this, as you continue to use the app, the amount of loan you cab obtain will be increase.

They have good interest rate and repayment period. Their loan processing is very fast within one hour of submitting application your loan will be disburse

Branch loan app

Branch loan app like many loan app listed above is licence by CBN apart from taking loan, you can also send and receive money with this app.

You can obtain more than #50,000 loan but you need to meet up with their requirement.

Their loan interest rate is lower and their repayment period depend on the amount of loan obtain.


List of genuine loan app in Nigeria is not complete if fair money loan app is not mention.

You can also obtain more than #50,000 loan from this app. As long as you meet up with their requirement you will be given loan. You don’t need to visit any location with your phone you are good to go.

Creditwise loan app

Though they are not license by CBN, yet you can obtain more than #50,000 loan from this app but if you are applying for the first time, the amount of loan you can obtain will be small as you continue to use the app your eligible loan amount will be increase.


Above listed loan app will surely give you loan of more than #50,000 but as a first timer you might not get up to this, until you use the app for some time.

When obtaining loan take loan that you know you can pay back to avoid had I know and embarrassment.

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