Making money off line is hard so do online, if you have people telling you it is easy they are fooling you, most time it will take up to six month before you can make a dime, therefore you need to be patient, once you make your first withdraw, trust me you are in money.

If you have skill like writing skill and other tech related skill it will be an added advantage because online business is all about adding value, you can still earn money online without skill but it will be a peanut that can’t sustain you in the long run.

There are many ways to make money online but for Africa especially Nigeria they are limited thanks to yahoo guys who have destroyed our image, therefore I have make it my work to search for deferent way of making money online in Nigeria and I have pen it down with this article.

Advantages of earning online

Making money online beat offline way, even if what you are getting is low compare to offline it is still better because of the following

Who do not want to be their own boss, working online make it possible and not only that you can keep working while traveling the word, you are not limited to any geographical location, with your laptop or phone, you can be anywhere while working.

Who does not like a perfect work life balance?

Require little or no capital
Online business require low capital, with small money you can start building your empire in fact all the paper work require to establish business like business registration can be ignore till you have fund or the business start paying back unlike offline business.

It can be a side hustle
Online business is a safe haven for employee that want to have a side hustle or other source of income with phone and laptop you can earn your money while still keeping your day job.

No office
Office space and other requirement by offline business can be say buy-buy to because everything will be done online; your payment, invoice, talking to customer, marketing they all can be done online even better than offline.

Below are the ways to make money online in Nigeria

1) Blogging
Blogging always top the way to make money online in Nigeria because it is easy and require low capital with #10,000 you will make yourself a blog. Also the business model of blogging is clear and can be follow by any one.

If you have passion for writing article, news, recipe, anything as long as people are searching for it online, you can chose this system of making money and you will see its wonder.

There is a but, I won’t lie to you like others do, blogging require discipline and patient. Your passion will only take you for like two month, discipline will take you for many month that will take before you start earning, it will take average of 6 month before you can make money from blogging.

How much can you make from blogging in Nigeria?

It differs, a blog that use only AdSense might make lower income compare to blog that use both the AdSense and Affiliate.

Also a news blog will have low earning compare to personal finance blog if they both use AdSense

Average blog in Nigeria earn $200 per month, but you can earn as much as $5,000 per month

2) Freelancing
This is a semi passive income generating way. Freelancing means selling your service or skill to people that need it online for instance writer can sell their writing services (copywriting, article, technical writing) online.

It can be done alone or list your service on platform like fiver, up work and freelancer, the difference is that you have control over your earning if you set it up yourself, but you may earn less.

To make money in this business is not hard once you have a high demand skill, you will surely smile to bank.

How much to make with freelancing
You can earn as much as $2,000 per month
Average earning is about $400 per month

3)Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is another money milking machine that require no skill.

Affiliate marketing is all about recommending product to friends, family and fans, with 2,000 followers you can be taking $300 per month.

It is easy soft and requires less energy but you need to have fans, follower, traffic before you can set it up.

How much you can make with affiliate marketing
It depends on your source of traffic, if you use blog there is high chance you will earn more because those traffic will have intention of buying.

For instance a person want to buy phone and you write a review about best phone in Nigeria with your affiliate link in the content it will surely convert better than those that use social media.

You can earn up to #2,000,000 per month
Average earn is #200,000 per month

4) Copy writing
Copy writing is content written to promote a product or services, if you are good with words you can start copywriting business, it is high in demand and very lucrative. With 1000 words article you can make up to $500

what I don’t believe it?

You should, copy writing is an art like other creative writing it is costly. Before going in make sure you have what it take such as persuasive writing ability which will be used to woven story into review.

You can make up to $5,000 per month
Average earning is $1,000 per month

5) YouTube
Have you ever watch video on YouTube? I’m sure you have, so do over 1 billion people on this earth.

How do you think they make their money or do you think those video creator are Samaritan who like making video, of course no, they make money through ad YouTube places on their video and pay base on how many view they get.

If you can get the requirement like video recorder (or good phone) audio recorder (or phone) and laptop to edit your video, and create engaging video that people will like to watch. As people watch your video so do your money will pile up.

Note: you must have about 1000 subscriber and 4000 watch hour before YouTube can consider monetizing your channel.

How much can you make per month with YouTube in Nigeria
You can make up to $5,000 per month it depend on the quantity and quality of video you create.

Average earning is $400 per month

6) Publish eBook
Do you have idea about a problem or you know better way to do something, write it, edit it, format it and head over to Amazon kindle publishing to publish it for free, yes it free, in fact you can also publish a paper back (Physical book).

One of the advantage of publishing on Amazon kdp is that once you publish your quality book you can sleep while kdp do the marketing all this for just 30% commission from your earning but if you want to have more sale you should try to promote your book.

How much can you make on KDP in Nigeria
You can make up to $10,000 per month
Average income is $500

7) Publish low content book
This is for designers who cannot write, but can design book for kids and adult.

Low content book are book like puzzle book, journal, jotters etc.

With 20 low contentbooks you can take home $1,000 per month. I know someone who make $20,000 dollar per month.

How much can you make per month

It depend on the number of book you have, but you can make up to $5,000 per month
Average income is $1,000

8) Ecommerce
I’m sure you know what ecommerce is. What usually prevent people from going into it is because of cost of building website but good news you don’t need to build a website before you start selling your product online. You can register with platform like jumia and konga to sell your product.

You can also you use low cost ecommerce building site like WordPress (woocomerce), you can contact us for that.

How much can you make per month
Sincerely the sky is your limit, your earning depend on how many product you can sell per month.

9) Online course
If you are master of a demanding skill, instead of working as a freelancer you can create detail video course on the skill, or combine it with freelancer.

You can sell it on your own using website (you can contact us to help you set up your video course site) or register with a platform like udemy and cousera.

How much you can make per month
You can make up to $3,000
Average earning is $500

10) Cryptocurrency trading
The power of cryptocurrency to turn people to reach is no longer a news with little fund you can start trading crypto like bitcoin or ethereum.

But be careful as crypto can make you rich so can it also make you poor, create or follow a strategy do you want to invest your money and watch it grow or you want to trade per day.

To prevent financial disaster that use to accompany a newbie, try to get a mentor.

How much to make per month
You can make up to $7,000
Average income is $1,000
Average loss can be high as $4,000

11) Website and app testing
This does not require a skill, with your phone or laptop you can start earning dollar per month.

The nature of the job is to test new website or app to see if there is any bug which can be done in 10 to 20 minutes. To become a tester register on usertesting.

How much to earn
Your earning depends on how many tests you perform in a month; it can be high as $2,000 per month.

12) Data entry
Data entry also does not require skill or capital, with your phone and laptop you can register on site like click worker. What your job entail is to input a raw data into excel.

You can make up to $1,000 per month
Average income per month is $100

13) Photo selling
Are you a photographer who have passion for taking photo, you can head over to Shutterstock to list your photo for sale.

As more people download your photo so do your money increase; more download more money. The secret to make it is to upload picture that is in demand.

You can earn up to $3,000
Average earning is $500

14) Transcription
Transcription requires little skill. If you are proficient in many language like English, French, Chinese you can become a transcriptionist.

But if you cant speak nor write those languages you can transcribe a scanner material or pen written document to English.

You can make up to $2,000
Average earning is$200

16) Domain flipping
This online business requires little capital. The nature of the business is to buy domain name, hold it and sell.

You can sell a domain you buy at $200 for $5000 dollar it is a very lucrative business if you know your onion. To start head over to flippa to list your domain.

You can make up to $3,000 per month
Average earning is $200 per month

17) Virtual assistant
Schedule of many business men is unpredictable, they can be free now and next hour become busy with a load of works.

If they hire an offline assistant it will be costly since it is not every time they are busy so they result to virtual assistant.

It is a good business in that you can be assistance to many business men and earning your money from the comfort of your home.

How much can I earn?
Amount you can make depend on the amount of business man you can assist
Average income is $1,000 per month.

18) Internet marketer
This require some skill, internet marketer are those who run ad on social media and google for clients.

To start you need to find a mentor who will teach you for some month.

It is a very lucrative business because few people are ready to leave 6 month of their life to learn it. Also it require patient.

How much you can make per month
You can make up to $5000 per month
The average income is $1000 per month

19) Influenced marketer
Do you have a lot of follower or fans on social media, you can start monetizing it by helping people to post their product while you charge them advertising fee.

Once your fans or follower grow to some extent people will start seeking you out if you don’t know before now you know so start building your fans or follower by posting content or picture that people like.

20) Winapay
This require know skill, but you must have knowledge about one thing or the other because your job is to answer people’s question. You can earn #5000 depending on the quantity and quality of you answer.

Online is all like offline, you have to be serious with whatever way you take or else you will not make a dime and also give it time you will surely make your money.

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