Business is sweet but more sweeeter when there is little or no copetition. Most people think untapped or low competitive business in Nigeria will require a lot of capital to set up, while this may be true if you are aiming for high monopolistic business idea like seting up refinery, it is not so for untapped small and medium scale business idea.

Are you sure?

Well, very sure the reason you don’t know about it is because you can’t know about it, such business are not what average Nigeria will ever think about more over Nigeria like copy copy they will rather copy proven business idea even when they don’t have what it takes to build such business.

After conducting both online and physical reasearrch we found many business that have little or no competition in short business that is untapped in Nigeria.

If you venture into such business it it will be a straiaght win for you because you will be the principalities of thet business even when people later realise the business idea.
Below are the business that is yet to be untapped in Nigeria.

1) Wall paper business
Wall paper? You mean phone wall paper.

Nop, you are wrong.

Have you ever seen a design on in sidewall of a house especially sitting room, design that look like 3d printing but it is not 3d you could tell from how the design was made it is far away from 3d printing.

That design is wall paper, and people are making a lot from it.

But I’m not an artist neither can I paint?

Who tell you to paint or draw, take out the business man in you, if you can’t paint what you need to do is to find people that can paint, hire them or buy their painting and sell it to individual or mall. You can use social media to promote your business.

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2) Inverter installation
It is not a news that electricity in Nigeria will keep on getting bad, and people know this, that is why they have deffernt generator set in their house but this generator is a pain in the ass sometime it work sometime it will not and the sound!! It is unbearable.

People are looking for alternative and yes they’ve found it is solar energy but the problem is how to set it up. This is where you will be needed if you go into this business.
To start inverter installation, it requires knowledge and skill which you can get in less down six month.

3) Palm oil business
No I can’t do this?

You might be thinking that right now especially if you are educated, but sir or ma this is one of the business that will keep milking money for you as long as people keep eating.

If you can throw out your ego which is not needed in business world anyway you will make cool cash with this business.
Palm oil business has many niches you can venture into and they are

  • Oil palm farming
  • Palm oil processing
  • Palm oil distribution

To know more click here

4) Shoe production
if you really want to know how profitable this business is you can ask aba people they will tell you in detail.

Seriously this business is profitable and it is untapped except in aba, before you will see a shoe production company in another state in Nigeria you will trek far.

I will tell you a secret, the reason people don’t go into it is because they think they have to know how to create shoe and all that, while it is require for anyone going into the business to have little knowledge of how to make shoe, it is just little knowledge of how things is been done. You can hire shoe maker to work for you or partener with shoe maker.

5) Recycling business
If you are not going to call it dirty, it is a profitable busieness yet untapped simply because people think it is dirty .

Well it may be but you are in there for money, the dirty can actually put food on your table. One more thing, you can start it with low capital as low as #50,000

6) Training center
We all know that white collar job is now a lucky to have kind of and also gaduate are no longer putin their mind into it, they’ve already foud an alternative which is skill, but how do they get the skill?

Well they use youtube, read material online which at the end of the day it does noting to them except frustration. If you can set up training center, hire professional to teach them what they can’t be thought in school you will keep smilling to bank.

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7) Event ushering
Though this one need network, you can make a lot of money if you get it right, your job is to cordinate people that will usher in in an event. It require low capital to set up but you must know people.

Selling gas cylinder and burner
Almost everybody is now using gas to cook their food, because itis clean and fast, but one thing they have to change their gas at lease every 6 yeasrs and burner almost every two month. Cylinder selling is provitabel venture if you are ready to buy and sell.

9) Day care center
Everybody want to start primary and secondary school, but no one want to start day care beause of the problem associated with it like cleaning baby when they deficate, but if you can put up with the problem there is little or no competition for you and you will keep smilling to bank.

10) Car towing
This another lucrative yet untapped business. With one towing vehicle you will make at least #20,000 per day, but it is capital intensive you will need money to buy the towing vehicle.

11) Laundry business

But this one is every where now?
While laudry business is allmost every where especially in lagos there are still some places where it is hard to find laudry, if you are in that kind of place, set up laudry business it is very lucrative though it reguire large capital.

Recommend: How to start frozen food business in Nigeria

12) Rabbit farming
When you see people talking about animal production business it is either they are talking about poultry or goat farming it is rear to see people talking about rabbit farming, well that is good it means less competition for those that will go into it.

The best part of rabbit farming is that you can start with five rabbit and have up to 80 rabbit before the year end.

Others are
13) Cleaning services
14) Sewing
15) Selling okirika
16) Mini importation
17) Hire purchasing
18) Hair salon
19) Gas station
20) Hall leasing
21) Radio station
22) Writing agency
23) Digital marketing agency
24) Cassava processing
25) Cartoon movie

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