Since the advent of social media, thing has changed it’s like we now have two world one physical while the other is virtual or we could say simulation of physical world since virtually everything in the physical can also be found in the virtual realm.

Social media was created to mingle with family, friend and most especially our lost contact, I’m sure you would have expericence a friend suggestion on Facebook that turn out to be your long lost friend. Social media has indeed been a blessing.

In all this social activity there is something people are not getting, they don’t know that as social and commerce go together in the physical so do social media. Where five to ten people are gathered there is a commerce.

To experience this commerce on social media you need to meet people need just like physical, the different in social media is that you don’t have to hawk your service and product around, with a single click you can communicate with a lot of potential customer.

Below is deferent way of making money on social media in Nigeria

1) Social media handler

Company and important personalty are constantly looking for people that will handle their social media for them. They know the power of social media in promoting them, but they do not have that luxury of time to engage in social media activities and that is where you come into play.

To become a social media handler you must be fluent in language of the web and have high engagement on the particular social media you want to handle.

Once you are sure of this, approach people and organization that you know will need your service.

2) Social media ads manager

To reach lot of people on social media, ads creation can not be neglected. Business who do not understand social media suffers a lot from wrong placement of ads, they would have loose a lot of money, therefore they are constantly looking for Messiah that will run ads for them.

If you are good in running ads it a good luck for you and if not you can quickly take a course or lay your hand on any social media marketing book you can find. If you are diligent enough before four month you should be able to run perfect ads that will return profit.

3)Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is basically promoting product or services of a client to your friends or followers. It just like telling your family to buy certain product because you have seen the effect of such product, just that this time you are getting paid for it.

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There are many affiliate platform you can join in Nigeria, some of them are

Jumia affiliate program

Konga affiliate program

Payporte affiliate program

Wakanow affiliate program

Bet9ja affiliate program

4) Create social group

There are some social media that allow people to create group, social media like Facebook, Qoura allow you to create group. To make money from this group, you can sell course or book to them and if you can’t do this just link them to your affiliate site.

5) Sell your service or product

Gone are the days you rely only on your local shop to make sale, right now combo or only social shop is the way. You can sell your good and services from your bed without paying for the high priced local shop, what you need to do is to constantly create a content that will attract likes and following, if you achieve enough likes or following you can then post your product and wait for order.

6) Partnership program

Social media like YouTube, Qoura offers pertnership program to their contents creator. The more traffic you drive to your content the more money for you. You can use this opportunity to start creating content on those platform.

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